Use Case Statement

By Manuel Dennis III


Manage Assignment Status Section


Display a panel of status information related to an assignment


An assignment must exist


Display a panel which contains the current assignment status

Also display a grid of previous assignment states

Primary Actors

· Assigner, Worker

Secondary Actors

· Administrator, Approver

Pre Conditions

· An assignment must exist

Success End Conditions

· An assignment must have a state and the proper state must be coming from the TrackedAssignmentStatus table

Failure End Conditions

· The information related to the assignment state is inaccurate or incorrect

Document Revision #

Action Taken, Notes


By Whom?







Use Case


Action / Stimulus



The user navigates to the assignment

The system displays a panel specifically for Tracked Assignment Status



The current state should be displayed predominately



A grid of previous assignment states should be displayed. The grid should have the following fields: Status, Who (Person who created the Status), When (Date the status was changed), and a comment about the change if one is necessary


User can change the assignment state by pressing a particular button

The system reacts to these button presses to add the appropriate assignment status and any supporting information related to the state change


Alternative / Additional Scenario:


Action / Stimulus



User presses Assign button

An assigner can press the Assign button and a Worker who realizes that an Assignment should actually be assigned to them or a different Worker. A means of entering a comment and a person to assign the assignment to. Simple grid edit may suffice. The date should not be editable since the assignment is taking place at the time the assign button is pressed. Assignments may be assigned to a department and an individual worker may choose to accept the assignment.


Worker presses Hold button

A worker presses this to indicate to other users that the assignment is on hold. On hold implies that the assignment is pending additional tasks or waiting for further input.


Worker presses Review button

A worker presses this to indicate that she is currently reviewing the assignment, but has not actually begun any of the necessary work required to complete the task.


Worker presses In Process button

A worker presses this to indicate that she is currently working on the task


Assigner presses Cancel button

Only an assigner should cancel a task. Cancel doesn’t delete the task; it simply cancels the task. Other users may need to be notified, especially the assigned worker.


Assigner or Worker presses the Completed button

A worker should press the complete button to indicate that they believe the task to be completed. An assigner can also press the completed button on an assignment if they believe the task to be completed as well.


Alternative / Additional Scenario:


Action / Stimulus



User Presses the Status History button

This can toggle the visibility of the buttons related to the status history including the grid. This can allow someone to print an assignment from the browser with just including the current status.






Alternative / Additional Scenario: Cancel


Action / Stimulus








